Friday, April 4, 2014

March 30 --- Wind, wind, go away (still at the Salton Sea)

The weather was perfect on Saturday -- Sunday, not so much. And it all had to do with the wind...Even the Pelicans had to deal with the waves whipped-up by a stiff breeze --

I watched the White Pelicans bobbing around in the water as if they were bathtub toys, riding over the crests of the waves. But the "pellies" were doing fine in their landing approach -- 

But those 2 photos were taken during a lull in the wind. But the Snowy Egrets and Brown Pelicans were dealing with whatever Mother Nature threw at them --

 Then the wind picked up with a vengeance, especially up in Mecca, where I was trying to find a good Internet WiFi signal. I had trouble getting one at the Starbucks, so I went across to Subway and got on theirs to do some computer stuff. Meanwhile, the wind (and dust) was blowing; I couldn't even see the surrounding mountains. So it was time to concentrate on what blooming desert plants there were, especially in the "garden" at the entrance to Mecca Beach campground. I'm using my Canon 40D with the 17-55mm f/2.8 lens with a Canon tube extension for macro work -- and it's working quite well -- 

So I had one more day "to do" the Salton Sea, and this time try to do a "bird count" using the BirdsEye app to transfer over to E-Bird. I just hoped the wind would die down...

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