Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 28 -- A Dayhike to Treasure Lakes, And Some Mountain Birds...

It started off as a cold morning in Bishop at the RV park -- 34 degrees; time to head to the warmer desert-like climes of Overton, Nevada, which is where I'll be heading to spend the winter starting November 1. I headed west on Hwy 168, the road to Lake Sabrina, and turned off to South Lake. I arrived at the end of the road, and the trailhead to Bishop Pass and Treasure Lakes -- and, not surprisingly considering the cold (it was about 8:30am) I was the only one in the parking lot --

That's my dayhiking gear on the ground -- day pack, Canon 40D and EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS lens for landscapes and sitting upright, "The Big Boy", the 500 f/4 IS L lens on the Canon 7D camera body. I snap, strap and sling everything on, and head down the trail. Soon after I get a good look at South Lake, an "impoundment" of water that is used as a water source for Bishop -- but you can tell it's pretty low, a victim of the drought -- 

Some scenery along the trail as it makes its way into the John Muir Wilderness --

The trail then splits, going to Bishop Pass or Treasure Lakes, and I head right to Treasure Lakes. The trail eventually makes its way down; here's the view from the top -- 

The Treasure Lakes lie underneath the peak on the left, and behind the ridge below the peak. The trail down below crosses as stream, which has some pretty awesome reflections -- which will be on full display at the lakes -- 

On the other side of path of the meandering stream, the trail heads back up, and eventually you get a look back at South Lake, with the valley of south fork Bishop Creek behind it -- 

"Are we THERE yet?" Hmmm, looks pretty promising -- but no --

Then I come upon a Monarch Butterfly along the trail. It's trying to fly, but can't for some reason -- dying? I sure hope not. As it's not moving much, I get out my Canon extender and put it on the 17-55 lens for a macro of the butterfly; I was about 2 inches away from it here -- 

Finally the trail stops climbing, opens up -- 

And the first of the Treasure Lakes is there in all its glorious colors and reflections -- 

I wandered around the lake, with each vista before me pure eye-candy -- 

Then, after having lunch on a granite ledge with the 1st lake in front of me, I walked over to the 2nd lake; there was a sheen of ice still on it -- 

Icicles had formed on the creek coming from another of the lakes higher up -- 

Back to the first lake for one last look ---

A crescent moon was rising --

And back down at the creek, the reflections were still magical -- 

Though I used the 17-55 f/2.8 lens for all of the above photos, I was also using my 500 f/4 at the same time for birds; here are a few Mountain Chickadees --

Clark's Nutcrackers are fairly common -- and quite raucous -- in most of the mountain areas that I hike in --

I even got some photos of 2 Clark's tussling --

And to end an exhausting yet exhilarating day in the backcountry, I saw this Merlin way above me; only the 500 f/4 could have gotten these shots with such clarity --

I think today (Wednesday) will be a rest day... :o)


  1. Oh my goodness. What a great group of images and all in one day! Your feet did some walking. Let us hope that those low water bodies get nice and full this winter. Great shots Steve. I very much enjoyed the eye candy!

  2. Thanks LaRee! 2 winter storms (at least) are forecast for November in the eastern Sierra, and when I'll be leaving here on the 1st there will be rain and snow -- so I may stay an extra day here in Bishop to avoid driving in the blustery conditions. But I'll be heading back to Overton, Nevada for the winter, and for more adventures...
