Saturday, March 22, 2014

March 21 -- A Morning Hike to Valley of Fire's Crazy Hill

Crazy Hill is supposed to be seen at its best in early-morning, before the sun hits it, and preferably with clouds to diminish any harsh sunlight, so I arrived at the Valley of Fire at sunrise -- and it was clouding up quite nicely --

I turned onto the White Domes Scenic Byway and stopped off for a look north at Rainbow Vista --

Wow. The clouds were just perfect. I drove to Parking Lot #3, grabbed my fanny pack and 2 cameras (the Canon 40D and 17-55 f/2.8 for landscapes, and Canon 7D and 100-400 f/5.6 for any birds I might find) and took off to the southwest. And there it was -- Crazy Hill, which is an unofficial but apt name -- 

Shooting conditions were probably at its best, for from what I've read there really is no optimum time of the day to see Crazy Hill; you just have to take your chances that all the conditions will come together when you're there. 

The sun was playing a peek-a-boo game with the clouds; it was wonderful. 

I'd have to say that the area surrounding Crazy Hill is probably the most colorful in the park -- again, when the lighting conditions are right. 

I've recently purchased an extension tube, which when attached to the lens can make it good for doing macros. It worked on both my 17-55 and 100-400; here are some wildflowers --

And I managed to get one bird photo, of a Black-throated Sparrow on a shrub -- 

Meanwhile, the clouds and sun were continuing to create wonders with the landscape -- 

The cloud cover became less thick as mid-morning approached -- 

And I made by way back north to the parking lot; here's the Rock of Gibraltar -- 

And looking south down the wash which I had just hiked -- 

It was my last hike in the Valley of Fire until I return here in December, and it sure provided memories to last until then. In the afternoon I washed and vacuumed the truck (the first time in the 11 months I've been traveling that I vacuumed Tundra; I've been using a microfiber cloth to keep the dust inside under control) and repacked everything in preparation for leaving SE Nevada for Joshua Tree National Park on Sunday. But before that, there is one last hike today (Saturday), to Gold Butte and the largest rock art panel in Nevada...

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