Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 3 -- The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum...

It's a great place and I was there from just after opening to just before closing; there's that much to see there. Here is my time at the "ASDM" in photos --

Cactus blooms at the museum's entrance

Hummingbirds at the Hummingbird Aviary

Rufous-backed Robin at the Bird Aviary

Black Vulture overhead at the ASDM; it's one of the great outdoor museums in the world

A Black-throated Gray Warbler is a (non-paying) visitor

A Chihuauan Raven (smaller than a Common Raven), one of the birds showcased in the Raptor Free-flight program

Great-horned Owl (free-flight program)

Prairie Falcon (free-flight program)

Barn Owl (free-flight program)

Gray Hawk (free-flight program)

Harris's Hawks (free-flight program)

Anna's Hummingbird sitting on eggs (Hummingbird Aviary)

Another non-paying "visitor"

Mexican Wolf (there are only about 50 left in the wild)

The ASDM's free-flight program is unique in that standard falconry tools such as straps, jesses etc aren't used; there are no restraints on the birds, and no bandings except perhaps a leg band. 

Here's a photo of some of the floral displays at the ASDM --

And the outside of the bird aviary -- 

And once the museum closed, I was treated to 2 coyotes in the saguaro, and the night ended with a coyote serenade --

The next day I went to Sierra Vista and visited with my brother and his family, then on Saturday April 5 I headed out to the Chiricahua Mountains, boondocking at a friend's acreage; that will be for the next installment of Travels of Discovery... 

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