Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 11 --- The Journey So Far (Part 2) And A Morning Jaunt To The Overton Wildlife Area

Let's pick up where we left off in yesterday's post --

Hurricane Creek Trail, Eagle Cap Wilderness, NE Oregon

Barn And Wallowa Mountains, NE Oregon

Waterton Lake from Bears Hump, Waterton Lakes Nat'l Park, Canada

Wild Goose Island, Glacier Nat'l Park, Montana

Lower Falls on Yellowstone River, Yellowstone Nat'l Park, Wyoming

2 inches of snow in late September, Fishing Bridge RV Park, Yellowstone

Desert Bighorn Sheep, Zion Nat'l Park, Utah

Double rainbow on road to Loa, Capitol Reef Nat'l Park, Utah

Capitol Reef sunset from Panorama Point, Capitol Reef Nat'l Park

Needs no caption...

October at Convict Lake, eastern Sierra Nevada, California

Autumnal colors at Lundy Canyon and Lake, eastern Sierra Nevada

And from the Owens Valley and eastern Sierra Nevada I came to SE Nevada...

I may be on the "Road to Wellville" but I'm still recuperating from the cold. However, I took a tentative step back outdoors by spending the morning at the Overton Wildlife Management Area down the street from me -- before the forecast winds kicked in. And I'm glad I ventured out, for the morning was calm and the birds abundant -- 

Greater Yellowlegs

Long-billed Dowitchers

Great Egret in a Valley of Fire background

(just a) Northern Mockingbird

Wild Turkey

Hooded Mergansers

While walking around the wildlife area I met a birding couple from Ohio and told them what birds they'd be most likely to find there. They were quite excited; when I met them again as I was leaving, the husband said "I just saw a Great Egret!  That's a Life Bird for me!" I guess it just depends on where you come from... ;o) Today (the 12th), wind permitting, I'll take another morning jaunt over to the wildlife area, and have a farewell dinner with friends Lee and Gaye Horn, and OP...

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