Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 9 and 10 -- I'm Taking A Few Sick Days, So Here's The Journey So Far (Part 1)

And believe me, it's no fun having a cold (sneezing, stuffy nose, coughing) when you're living in a 20-foot travel trailer... I've been having R & R these past 2 days, eating chicken noodle soup and getting (for me) plenty of rest, so consequently there hasn't been much of note going on. This is a good time to do a "Best Of" photographic entry, which summarizes my Travels of Discovery so far, 10 months into the journey.

Bison in Yellowstone National Park

Mom Red Fox and Kit, Yellowstone

Sea Lion Caves, near Florence, Oregon

Heceta Head Lighthouse on the central Oregon coast

Sunset at Oregon's Paulina Crater, looking  west to the Cascades

White-headed Woodpecker

The coastline and lighthouse at Crescent City, CA, looking south

Boy Scout Trail, Jedediah Smith State Park, CA

Lewis's Woodpecker

Steens Mountain, SE Oregon

Bobolink, Malheur Wildlife Refuge, SE Oregon

Tundra and Discovery Crossing the Cascades at Lake Crescent, Oregon

Crater Lake and Wizard Island, Oregon

More highlights to come in tomorrow's entry, along with anything of note I might do today. Hmmm, maybe I'll take Tundra for a spin through the wildlife area...


  1. Outstanding! I didn't begin to follow your travels until this past October, so I missed your time in Oregon and the North Coast. My mother grew up in the dessicated plateaus of the Oregon side of the Columbia basin, with family living in Gilliam County and the Blue Mountains, so I became familiar with Southeastern Oregon on my travels to and from visiting my relations. Abundant unpopulated territory … "spacious country acres."

    1. Oregon east of the Cascades has a rugged, Western beauty all its own, doesn't it, Jas? My favorite area there is Steens Mountain but I could roam the byways and dirt roads of eastern Oregon for weeks. Lots of history there, too...
