Monday, December 14, 2015

December 13 -- Snowy Morning Glow Scenics And Faranuf Memories

It was another clear-sky predawn and sunrise, so I took a look to the west. Even at the higher elevations of the Chiricahuas you could still see there was just a thin layer of snow, but with the pinkish glow from from the first rays of the sun it was still quite pretty -- 

 I'm heading back to southern California  to spend the holiday with my dad, so it was a day spent mostly packing, quite boring and not worthy of its own post. So here is the beginning of my journey leading to Faranuf and my becoming a "Portalite"...

November 2014, leaving for Portal -- the Bowl of Fire at Lake Mead, Nevada's north shore

A doe, a deer, a female deer...On Highway 80, about 5 miles from Portal Road, Tundra and I have an unfortunate encounter (and it was her fault)

And here is the result -- Tundra I is smooshed, and deemed totaled. Tundra II, my "new" truck, has a "cow catcher" on the front.

The rental car,  and I buy Faranuf...

November 2014 -- Along Portal Road, with Portal Peak in the background

November 2014 -- my first look at Faranuf's back yard. What the heck are THOSE things?

October 2015 -- Those things are GONE! 

November 2014 -- A frozen Winn Falls

December 2015 -- A frozen Winn Falls

November 2014 --A SE Arizona specialty -- Arizona Woodpecker, in an agave (along Greenhouse Trail)

August 23, shortly after moving in to Faranuf

And of course, the adventure continues... 

1 comment:

  1. A nice story about how you came to Portal and Faranuf.
    I love the real estate sign with the birder special. Guess that caught your eye. Hope to see you when you are back LALAland.
