Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December 15 -- Urban Or Rural Living -- Which Would You Choose?

It must've been below freezing in Mesa because there was just a bit of a layer of ice on Tundra's windshield when I was about to take off from the motel around 7am. So I sprayed some of the water on the windshield that is used for cleaning it off -- and it made more ice. And there was no sun on the truck yet to melt it, nor did I have a warm towel to melt it, nor did I have a scraper. So I used a wet paper towel and my fingernails. (I wanted to get out of there because of the traffic going into Phoenix; I knew it was going to be the rush hour.) I eventually scraped it off, at least enough that I could see, drove west on the freeway -- and realized I'd get stuck if I took the I-10 through downtown Phoenix. And it didn't help matters that the radio station I had on reported a traffic accident up the I-10, with a traffic backup. So I backtracked from the day before and went south, then connected onto Interstate 8, which is part of a route to avoid Phoenix entirely -- but about 70 miles longer. (Hey, I didn't say this was going to be an interesting day.) The weather was colder than normal all the way to Los Angeles, probably around 50 degrees for the high. I was making pretty good time -- until I got to Riverside, about 50 miles east of LA. I KNEW this was going to happen --


Brake lights,  trying to merge when your lane disappears but others don't want to let you in, people still driving while on cell phones -- and wasn't that a single driver in the carpool lane after 3pm, when it's limited to only 2 or more people? And there are always those drivers who insist on weaving in and out of the traffic so they can get what ultimately is only 2 car lengths ahead as they are stopped by traffic, too. Sheesh, living on the east side of the Chiricahuas, on the border of Arizona and New Mexico, seemed like a dream -- or was this traffic mess the unreality? 

At least the traffic jam is going east, not west...

No traffic jams here -- no traffic

I'll be back here before I know it... 

Even the grocery run to Douglas is free of cars

Pretty, but -- 

I prefer this -- and it's from my back yard

Downtown Los Angeles? How about -- 

"Downtown" Portal?

I'm convincing myself that I'll be back before I know it...


  1. In a pinch, I use a credit card to scrape the windshield. I always try and remember the ice scrapper but sometimes it gets left behind. Better than your poor fingernails anyway. KT

    1. Good idea about using a credit card, KT! Well, maybe not a credit card per se, but another plastic card that isn't so useful -- I have plenty of those. :o)

  2. Welcome home for your short visit with your dad and friends. Nice to spend the holidays with your relatives and friends. You can pick up items that you need for your trip home. I am sure there is something you can find at one of many superstores here.

  3. Great reportage Steve...I know that travel....lived in Orange County for 30 years. Enjoy your dad and family!

    1. Hi Olga! Yes, it's quite a different world in southern California, isn't it? And I know we're both glad that we're living in Cochise County now -- and you returning to your roots. :o)
