Saturday, October 25, 2014

Another Look Back 2012-2014, and Conway Summit's Aspen Progressing Thru Fall 2014

It was an off day yesterday, Friday October 24, and I was planning on just relaxing and reading my Kindle (being a student of history, I'm currently reading "Rebel Yell: The Violence, Passion and Redemption of Stonewall Jackson" , HIGHLY recommended) but I felt I needed to accomplish SOMEthing -- so I got the Kenmore canister vacuum cleaner out of the back of my Tundra, and gave the trailer and Tundra a good cleaning -- way overdue. The wind picked up in the afternoon here in Bishop, so I stayed at the RV park -- hence the retrospective for today's blog installment. More wind is forecast for today the 26th, but I'll probably venture out and do a final check on fall colors and perhaps a dayhike...

Oct 2012 --Tundra and Discovery with a cloud-shrouded eastern Sierra 

Oct 2013 -- Road to Lake Sabrina in early-season snowstorm

Oct 2013 -- Mist Falls, and at-peak aspen, and snow

Oct 2013 -- Along South Fork Bishop Creek

Oct 2013 -- At Willows Campground

Oct 2013 -- Aspen stand along Lundy Creek

Oct 12 2013 -- Lundy Canyon and Lake

September 2014 -- Virgina Lakes looking east from pass

October 2014 -- Rock Creek Lake

And as I've taken quite a few photos of the same area in the span of a single fall season, I thought it would be interesting to see the progression of one spot over a period of about a month, so here is the "aspen hillside" just north of Conway Summit, along Hwy 395, through the weeks of September and October, 2014 -- 

And a 6-photo panorama taken on Oct 15, 2014 at the height of the aspen colors

Past-peak and after a "wind event"

And now it's time to get ready for another day of adventure, which I'll report here on tomorrow's blog...

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