And it was somewhat unexpected...The morning began somewhat overcast, though there were sun breaks as time went on. I was thinking "OK, it's going to wimp out again", but heading down to a meeting in Rodeo, New Mexico, 10 miles to the east, it was VERY windy, with tumbleweeds tumbling across the road. I'm a member of Friends of Cave Creek Canyon, a group made up of residents and supporters who want to see the uniqueness of the Canyon and the Chiricahuas preserved while trying to balance that with attracting visitors and having more (and better) facilities to accommodate them. We have to get the word out as to what is available here and in the surrounding area in terms of campgrounds, motels, places to eat -- and gas. Take the last, for instance. There used to be a place to get gas in Rodeo -- but that has since closed, or at the very least has extremely limited hours (you see the problem; not even many of the residents know for sure). Failing that, then there is gas at the mercantile exchange over in Animas, about 25 miles to the east in New Mexico. I thought it could be relied upon -- until it was brought up a the meeting that they had recently run out of gas for awhile. So the NEXT closest would be 25 miles to the north (by dirt road, otherwise it's closer to 40 via paved) at San Simon, on Interstate 10 -- and it's just one Chevron station. After that, it's Douglas, 55 miles to the south. So the visitor has to have that knowledge -- and the "FOCCC" is figuring out ways to get that out to the public. (Tough to do when we're not totally sure.) I'm in charge of listing places to eat, which I mentioned in an earlier post -- 4 within 25 miles, and a possible 5th -- Sky Island Grocery, down Portal Road heading east -- but the opening date has been in question. So I'll be working on a few things (click on the following highlighted words, which will take you to the websites) -- the Friends of Cave Creek Canyon Facebook
page , the official website for
FOCCC, and the Friends of Cave Creek Canyon bulletin boards that are displayed both inside and outside of the Portal post office, which would have photos of the Chiricahuas, emphasizing Cave Creek Canyon, and bulletins for such things as local events. And eventually, probably starting next year, I'll be a volunteer at the Visitor Information Center, near the start of the main road (well, the only road) into the Canyon, which as its name says will have info for the visitor (duh). It's a neat and rewarding feeling, being involved not only in the community, but in getting the word out about this mountain range that we all love, and are so proud of...But we have to let visitors know where the facilities for their stay are located, too.
After the meeting, it was still windy, but so far no precipitation. I got to Faranuf and was at my laptop, facing away from the windows, when my friend Lori called, saying "Look out the window! It's SNOWING!" I looked out -- and there was white stuff coming down -- or, to be more accurate, being driven horizontal by the wind. I said "Holy Batman!" (no I didn't, but you get the idea) and rushed out to get photographs. No luck; it was hard to catch the blowing snow, and as noted before my landscape camera is having focusing issues. Crap. So I used my 100-400 lens and took a photo of an Anna's hummingbird in my back yard being buffeted around by wind and snow, yet still determined to hold his spot at HIS feeder --

Look at his expression; he still has "attitude"... There's not much protection from the weather for the birds in my back yard, especially hummingbirds, so I'm thinking of getting plants or small trees in pots so they can be under a roof and somewhat warmer than "out there". AND bringing their feeders in under the porch roof... Around 3:30 the sun broke through, the clouds lifted, and you could finally see the surrounding landscape --
Silver Peak
Closeup of formations on Silver Peak (in the pic above to the right, just below the ridgeline)
The high Chiricahuas
The cloud-shrouded Portal Peak
Gorgeous. It was a dusting of snow here -- but a friend took a photo along Herb Martyr road, just beyond the research station --
Wow. He said his car nearly spun out, and that's when he knew to come back.. The sunset was pretty, with snow-dusted Silver Peak --
So - our first winter storm...My friend Helen said it's just about right on time for the year, though friends up north say we're getting snow before them, but the weather has/is crazy...
One last photo -- a portrait of a hummingbird species that is the only breeding hummer species east of the Rockies -- and is only very rarely seen in the West. But he (for it was a male) was seen at Rick Taylor's feeders in Whitetail Canyon, about 10 miles to the north of Portal, for a few days back in late September --
A Ruby-throated hummingbird....
You are now in Winter season at Faranuf. It is amazing to see after all the hiking trail photos of the Fall colors. With gas limited and unreliable do you consider carrying or storing five gallons of gas? it is nice of you to get some plants and move the feeders for the birds. They will be most appreciative I think. You can spread your joy of the Chiricahuas as a volunteer. People really like enthusiastic guides as you become excited about what you are about to experience. Least we do.