Friday, March 11, 2016

March 10 -- Then And Now -- The Chiricahuas Through The Seasons

I've taken a lot of photos during my relatively short time living here in the Chiricahuas;  some have been of the same view as seen in different seasons. They run from the intense green of the summer monsoons to the brown and relatively leafless look of winter. So I thought it would be interesting to do a retrospective, sort of a "then and now" look at those changes during the past 6 months. 

On Highway 80 approaching the Chiricahuas from the east ; it appears as if you're heading straight into Cave Creek Canyon in the distance. Taken August 14 during the monsoon season.

 The same scene on December 14, clear, cold -- and I remember it also being windy.You can really make out Cave Creek Canyon , with the high Chiricahuas covered in snow. 

Faranuf's back yard and view, August 15.  I haven't done the changes to the bird feeders yet.  The landscape is intensely green, and the monsoonal clouds are dramatic.  

February 15. The snakes are in hibernation, the mesquite and other flora are leafless -- and the feeders have been reorganized. And those 2 huge hangers that distracted from the view of Cave Creek Canyon have been removed. 

This is my favorite vantage point for the view up Cave Creek Canyon, on the main road between the Portal Store and the turnoff to Paradise. I always try to work that agave into the photo.  Taken August 16. 

The same view on November 17, during the height of the autumn colors. The strip of burnished gold to the left are the trees along Cave Creek. the snow on the mountains is from a recent storm, and the landscape is still green, though not as intense. 

The view from pretty much the exact same spot as seen on March 4. 

 Winn Falls, with its 365-foot drop, on December 6. At this time of the year it's one big icicle. 

On March 4, it's flowing fast and free, and reminds me of a waterfall that could be in Yosemite Valley. 

While the Chiricahuas remain the same physically through the seasons, the look and feel of the landscape is constantly changing. It's just one of the many pleasures to be found in this fascinating and beautiful "sky island". 


  1. I enjoyed the photos during the seasons. As in Peanuts I must have a glass head. It is very dramatic and shows how much you have witnessed during your indoctricination at Faranuf. I enjoy seeing Winn Falls flowing and frozen over. The view from your backyard before and after your modification is nice too. Thanks for the much enjoyed before and afters.

    1. Hi Wes -- Thanks! I've just been futzing around these past few days so as there's been nothing spectacular to report I thought I'd do a "comparo" post. I'll be heading over to our St Patrick's Day Parade with 2 friends (also from the South Bay of LA!) in a few minutes, so that should provide plenty of material for tomorrow's post! Along with photos...
