Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 3 -- A LONG Wait At Camping World, Then I'm Back In Overton...

Not many photos today, for who wants to see pics of me waiting in the lounge for 7 hours? Boooorrrring! I woke up early at Duck Creek RV Park, made a breakfast of eggs mixed with spinach, cheese and ham, then headed on down Boulder Highway to the Camping World for Discovery's service appointment at 8am. I got there at 6:45, so dum, de dum dum...Waiting and reading my Kindle. Finally! They're open, I get Discovery checked-in, I take her to Bay #5, then as I'm leaving Tundra there too as I don't want to bother with unhitching, I walk to IHOP for a great breakfast -- gee, didn't I just have breakfast a little while earlier? -- of pumpkin pancakes with cream cheese, (more) eggs, hash browns, sausage, bacon, coffee... Well, I DO burn it all off, though not today as I return to Camping World and wait...and wait..and WAIT...in the lounge. I get restless, so I go up and down the aisles, looking for nothing in particular, but hmmm, that BAL-X Locking Chock I can use to stabilize the trailer's tires, and the towel rack for the dish towel, and...I think "they" make you wait longer on purpose so you end up buying things you didn't intend to get when you first got there, call me a conspiracy theorist...I end up with a hand basket full of stuff. I finally get an overhead page shortly after 3pm, report to the desk, and David (he'd worked with me last time I was a Camping World, in February -- a nice guy, ask for him if you're ever there) says Discovery received a clean bill of health -- though I still of course have a hefty bill to pay. I was thinking of going back to Duck Creek RV Park for the night if it got too late, but it's early enough to make the 60-plus miles to Overton, so I head out on the scenic Northshore Road that runs along the north side of Lake Mead. The Bowl of Fire and the desert landscape, in slanting late-afternoon light, is gorgeous, and I pull off to take a photo of Tundra and Discovery with the classic southern Nevada backdrop --

I arrive in Overton just after dark, and the new guy at Robbins Nest who checks you in put up a sign at an RV site saying it was reserved for "Wolfe -- Nov. 1" -- nice! But I opt for the space next to that one, hook up water and electricity though keep Tundra hitched to Discovery as I'll be washing Discovery this morning at the RV wash up the road in Logandale, grab a hamburger and fries for dinner at The Inside Scoop deli and ice cream shop up the road -- and unwind after a long day of, well, doing basically nothing in terms of physical activity, but I still spent wads of money...Overton's temps will be in the 80s during the week, perfect for hikes in the nearby Valley of Fire, Overton Wildlife Management Area, perhaps a trip over to Gold Butte...The Adventure Continues...

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