Well, I don't have a "honey", so they can't be called "honey do's"... :o) The #1 thing to do this morning is let Stan, the affable gentleman (from Seattle) who runs the desk here at Robbins Nest Trailer Homes and RV Park, know that I'll be here for 3 months -- and pay him. Robbins Nest only accepts checks and cash, so I have my check all filled out except for the amount -- and that comes out to a little over $10 a day for water, sewage, electricity, and WiFi. You can't beat it unless you boondock, and even then you don't get the convenience of being near the amenities within walking distance (Robbins Nest is at the south end of the main road through Overton) like Lin's Market, Ace Hardware, and the eateris The Inside Scoop, Sugar's, Carly's, and even a MacDonald's. It's a great little town to set up shop for awhile, with a good library and even the ability to check out magazines online through the Zinio app. I ask Stan about getting a P.O. box for my mail, and he said to check with the post office up the street. I then take Tundra and Discovery up to Logandale, the adjoining town here in the Moapa Valley, and pull into the car wash there; it's time to give Discovery a long-overdue wash and wax. I'd given Discovery Camping World Henderson's "RV Spa" treatment back in February, but when I requested it again the other day, when I took the trailer in for routine maintenance, the guy helping me said the "washers" had left and there were no replacements. Well, what do you expect from a guy nicknamed (at least I HOPE it was his nickname) "Ghost"? (That's the name he put on the checkoff list I was given.) So it's for me to do. Having plenty of quarters, I take my time, and after 3 hours of washing and waxing from "stem to stern", Discovery looks as good as she'll ever get. Here are photos during the wash -- "Ok, the pic doesn't have to be perfect, the wash time countdown is running"...

And the end result -- a sparkling-clean Discovery --

The roof looked good so I just hosed it off; besides, I couldn't get up there anyway as Discovery has no outside ladder; I had to buy a lean-to one, and have always worried about the ladder falling over and I'd be stuck up on the roof. It's not that high off the ground, but high enough to break a leg in jumping off. And I've lost the ability to do a Mannix-type "jump, hit the ground and roll".... ;o) I grab a sandwich at Tiffany's Subs and Pies next door (highly recommended if you're in the area, and they have Hawaiian shaved ice, too) , go back to Robbins Nest to hook up the sewer hose, electricity and water, take a nap (it's now a comfortable 71 degrees outside) then head back to the car wash to run Tundra through the automatic bay. On heading back to Overton I stop by the post office and get a P.O. box -- Overton, and possibly the entire Moapa Valley, doesn't have mailmen as, according to the gal at the desk, people are too "spread out" there -- which costs $30 for 6 months, then go to Lin's market for groceries. After that, it's a small frozen pizza and spinach salad for dinner -- and I'm thinking of taking the 500 f/4 over to the Overton Wildlife Management Area tomorrow (the 5th), so long as it isn't a "hunt day"...
You can get part time work cleaning trailers as you did an excellent job. Although you will need to get a ladder to do the roof. You use grappling rope to lower yourself down if you should kick the ladder off Discovery