Mormon Mesa Road, from Overton to the Virgin River, is historic. It was originally part of the "Old Spanish Trail" that was mapped by "The Pathfinder", John C. Fremont, in 1844. The story is picked up by Elise McAllister, quoting from "Moapa Valley History, Part I" on the Moapa Valley website --
"Overton is the business heart of the Moapa Valley -- and always has been. In the early 1880's, one store existed in the whole of Moapa Valley; families from St. Joseph, Kaolin and other settled locations would hitch up their team to a wagon and go "over-to-town" for supplies. Eventually the pioneers simplified this to Overton, a matter-of-fact way most things were dealt with back then. Not a glamorous name, but definitely functional -- in true pioneer spirit."
It's kind of thrilling to know this was part of a well-used trail leading to California, John C. Fremont was here and mapped it, and hardy Mormon settlers would go a long way (30 miles and more) to Overton's one store. Now we think of it as scenic, beautiful and historic; back then it was a necessary part of the pioneer life. So let's explore this still-existing part of what was originally the Old Spanish Trail...
Mormon Mesa Road (as it's now called) is paved as it heads east from Overton, then turns to dirt for the rest of the way . Here is looking east to Mormon Mesa.
And looking back to Overton and the Moapa Valley.
The road up to Mormon Mesa.
Looking back west from the road as it gets to the top..
The long ridge of Mormon Mesa, looking north. The Mormon Mountains are on the right.
A closeup of the Mormon Mountains from atop the mesa. (The closeup photos such as this one were taken with telephoto lenses, so the distances between points are compressed. The Mormons are at least 20 miles away, but look closer.)
An even closer view of the Mormons, using the 500mm lens.
Looking northeast to the Beaver Dam Mountains in Utah.
The west ridge of the Moapa Valley with the Sheep Range beyond.
Overton, the flat top of Overton Mesa, and The Valley of Fire.
The Beaver Dam Mountains and flat-topped mesas.
The east side of Mormon Mesa, looking down to to the Virgin Valley and the line that's the Virgin River. The Virgin (a lot of virgins here) Mountains are in the background.
A 4-photo panoramic of the Virgins and the Virgin Valley...
The previous photos were taken in the morning; these are just before sunset. Here are once again the Virgin Mtns.
The Beaver Dam Mountains and mesas tinged with Last Light.
A closer view of the Beaver Dam Mountains in Utah.
The Virgins...
...and a closer look at Virgin Peak.
Tundra II and the Virgins, near sunset.
One last look at the sunlit Mormons...
The desert mountains on the south side of Lake Mead...
The sky at sunset , with the west ridge of Moapa Valley.

The Moapa Valley and the Valley of Fire.
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