Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 15 -- I'm Now A Resident of Arizona...

Well, at least if having an AZ driver's license (albeit temporary until I get my permanent one), license plate, title and registration for Tundra II, and registered to vote in Arizona makes me one... :o) It's a strange feeling as I've been a "Californian" all my life -- but being an "Arizonean" just feels MORE right. Especially with that Arizona license plate and its saguaro high-desert landscape on the back of Tundra II. But before I can officially call Faranuf "home", I have the travels of 2015 to experience and enjoy...The sunrises are memorable here in Portal, especially in this location where I'm at the broad "portal" (hence the name of the town) of Cave Creek Canyon; this was taken just before sunrise --

And looking south from my front yard in the direction of Portal Road, you can seen Portal Peak and my neighbors across the street, or maybe you CAN'T see them  ;o) --  

Then the tops of Cave Creek Canyon's massifs are lit by the rising sun, and another day begins in this glorious section of SE Arizona -- 

I have breakfast at the Rodeo Grocery and Cafe and ask if the cook is making biscuits and gravy, as that's been recommended by "folks who know" -- alas, not today...But what I have is still mmm-mmm-good. I chat a bit with Nancy, the proprietress, who loves living in Rodeo (otherwise she would never have moved here, right?) then head south on Hwy 80 to Douglas, about 50 miles away. The land between Rodeo and Douglas is grassy and open; it's been called "the Serengeti of the southwest" due to its open-savannah look and abundant wildlife -- 

Peregrine Falcons have been seen soaring among those buttes, and the whole area is raptor-rich. There is even a bit of railway history here, as the path of an old railway line parallels the highway; it used to be the rail route between Bisbee, AZ and El Paso, Texas; the town Rodeo came into being as a stop along the railway -- 

Once in Douglas I stop by the Wells Fargo for cash for the trip to San Pedro, drop by the title company to have my RV mail forwarding service paper notarized (my mail at both the San Pedro and Portal addresses will be handled by them, so folks won't have to chase me around the country with late bills to pay), go to the Arizona MOV for Tundra II's title and registration and get my AZ license plate, then stop by Wal-Mart for a few things for Faranuf and its 2015 tenants. The drive back, going along the same route as I came, is spectacular, with the Chiricahuas on the left growing from foothills to the spectacular massifs of Cave Creek Canyon. One can see why birds from Mexico would use the Chiricahuas as a "land bridge" for their northernmost range. Once back at Faranuf I have more things from Kim Murphy's place waiting for me, but I have no time, so put them in the garage for future "picking through". Thanks Richard and Gaye, though -- they're the caretakers for Kim Murphy's place and have been helpful in furnishing Faranuf. So now it's 0539 on Tuesday, Tundra II is packed and ready to go, and Faranuf is about as ready for its 2015 tenants as it will ever be. One last observation -- while on the back deck after sunset last night a female Northern Flicker came to the house, went to a post on the back porch, flew to the roof, then took off. I wonder if the torn screen on the 2nd bathroom facing the back is due to the Flicker? The adventure continues... 

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