Friday, December 19, 2014

December 16-18 -- A (New) Resident Of Portal, AZ Visits San Pedro, CA

I've lived in the coastal community of San Pedro, aka the Port of Los Angeles, all my life, so it was with a sense of regret and nostalgia that I came back to spend the holidays with my dad. I was reminded of the many scenes I'd taken with my various cameras over the years of "Pedro" and its surrounding areas on the Palos Verdes Peninsula -

The Palos Verdes Peninsula -- "The Terraced Land" -- looking south

A "Cactus Sunset" along Ocean Trails

Royal Palms and Point Fermin in the distance

Sunset At Point Fermin Park with Catalina Island

My condo on Gaffey Street

One of the many colorful sunrises from my condo balcony

Aircraft carrier in the inner harbor

Angel's Gate Lighthouse and the Orange County Coastline (from the balcony using the 500 f/4 lens)

Electrical storm from my balcony

New memories are now to be made...It's time for Steve Wolfe's Farewell Tour of the South Bay. I'll be here until January 7, when I head up to Lancaster and the Lance factory where I'll take the factory tour and talk with Lance's advertising director about ways to promote Lance products while I'm on the road in 2015 -- and make some extra money in the bargain. On Wednesday and Thursday I visit the South Coast Botanic Garden, where I've been a member since 2007 or thereabouts, and renew my membership so I can use it to visit other botanic gardens around the country. Meanwhile, there are birds in the Garden to take photos of, some of them "old friends" -- 

One of two Red-shouldered Hawk "residents"

Arg!  Too close (KFC, for wings cut off)

Ah -- BETTER! 

Male Bullock's Oriole

Spotted Towhee

And there has been an "irruption" of Varied Thrushes throughout California this past month, with VTs showing up in places where they are rarely -- or never -- seen, including Los Angeles' South Bay. I look for them while at the botanic garden, and on Thursday I finally see 5, all in the same tree, and out in the open -- unusual for Varied Thrushes, that are usually secretive and very shy, burying themselves in their usual forest habitat -- 

Wonderful. I've been trying to get a decent photo of a Varied Thrush since the beginning of Travels of Discovery in May 2013 -- and I get it back in my home town, where I never expect to see it... Before I visit the garden on Thursday I take an early-morning walk up George F Canyon on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, and see 1 Varied Thrush at the end of the canyon trail, and hear at least 15 Hermit Thrush, with their soft "clucking" sound. I manage to get one in the open, with Toyon berries giving the scene a holiday feel --

I had a dental appointment yesterday -- no cavities, teeth looking good, and my dentist, Dr. Patel, is following me on Facebook -- and I will see my internal med doctor at Kaiser Harbor City this morning, for what may very well be the last time as, now a resident of Arizona, I may have to go to another medical plan since there are no Kaiser facilities there. More of the San Pedro Farewell Tour anon...


  1. Magnificent pictures, if I may say so myself! You have all that, plus a nice dental diagnosis, then everything is going well. That should be a great precedent as you move further into the new year. Thanks for sharing that! All the best to you!

    Bettye Primm @ Back Mountain Dental

    1. Thanks Bettye! And you really DO work for Back Mountain Dental -- in Pennsylvania? (Just Googled it.) Neat! Appreciate you following my blog, and taking the journey with me! :o)
