It's December 11, and I'm back at the Cowboy Room at the
Mountain Valley Lodge and RV Park (click on the link for the lodge's webpage) in Rodeo, New Mexico. "Tundra II" handled the 600 mile-plus trip from Overton, Nevada like a champ -- and I found that fog lamps, which I didn't have with Tundra I, work well on a dark country highway for seeing off to the sides, in case of any sneak deer attack... ;o) I have a lot to do during my 5 days here in Portal and Douglas, AZ -- sign the closing papers for Faranuf, get an AZ driver's license, title and registration for Tundra II, obtain a PO Box at the Portal post office, check out some furniture for Faranuf -- and possibly get a Chiricahuas hike or two in. And once I'm in possession of Faranuf, starting Friday, December 12, I can stay there, though I'd have to "camp out" with sleeping bag and Therma-Rest pad. But still, Faranuf will be MINE, and I know it will be -- as the Eagles sing -- a "peaceful, easy feeling"...Here's a random observation that occurred on the trip down here yesterday. I stopped at the MacDonald's in Boulder City, Nevada for my usual on-the-road breakfast of the 2-burrito meal (and great hash browns) plus the fruit and maple oatmeal, and got to talking with the young cashier at the counter. Glasses, hair sticking out on the sides, from under his Mickey D's cap, slightly nerdy-looking, name of -- well, we'll call him "Noah". We got to talking about caffeine and other stimulants like Monster energy drinks, and he said he can't take caffeine or energy drinks as he gets a bad reaction that will send him to the hospital. Then I learn he's taken himself off of his ADD medications -- uh, OK, I can kinda tell as he does seem a little hyper... And this kinda ties in with another encounter later at a Subway, when the sandwich guy said he's marketing his own energy drink -- called Aperture -- and plans to go to conventions and other places to push his product. So if you hear about an alternative to Monster and Red Bull energy drinks named Aperture in the near future -- you first heard about it here! Yesterday's sunrise along Lake Mead's Northshore Hwy was colorful as usual --

And as I was concentrating on getting to Rodeo as soon as possible I didn't stop to take photos, so here are a few from Portal and the Chiricahuas from past trips --
Faranuf at sunrise
Faranuf's back yard and the view (!)
Cathedral View at Vista Point
The view along Portal Road in late April
Moonset On Cathedral Peak from Sunny Flat Cpgd
Portal Peak From Road to Portal
Panorama from Barfoot Lookout
A Frozen Winn Falls
A Sunlit "Grotto" Along Greenhouse Trail
Ok, Up and At 'Em, time to start what will be a very busy day...
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