Monday, December 8, 2014

December 7 -- More 7D MK II Bird Photos From Overton Wildlife Management Area

I was to meet my birding buddy Norm from Edmonton, Canada who had finally arrived in Mesquite, Nevada for his annual "snowbirding" stay here in SE Nevada, and we were to bird the Overton WMA, but somehow our signals got crossed -- and I later found out that he thought it was SATURDAY -- so after waiting for a half hour, I headed south once again to Pintail Pond. But I did get a nice Ladder-back Woodpecker in the main parking lot --

Due to my seeing Greater Scaup and American Avocets in previous days, my sightings of those 2 species was listed as "notable" in the BirdsEye app -- and as I also posted them over at the Nevada Audubon birds list serve, I'm beginning to establish some "street cred" here in southern Nevada birding circles -- or at least they're starting to recognize my name... ;o) Pintail has its "usual suspects" -- Canvasbacks, Eared Grebes -- here's an Eared that I managed to angle into a bit of golden autumnal reflection --

-- the ubiquitous American Coot, a few Green-winged Teals and Pintails, seen here after I'd "spooked" them -- 

and Buffleheads; here's a Mrs. Bufflehead racing across the water -- 

The 7D MK II is just wonderful in capturing BIFs. I'm sure it has to do with its new AF system, and all the cross-points it has; my "hit rate" has certainly increased dramatically. The fall foliage is still at the WMA, though the leaves are finally dropping off -- 

The combination of autumnal color and desert landscapes here is just amazing. I next went to a smaller pond west of Pintail (Great Egret, Western Grebe and a few Eareds; it always seems quiet compared to Pintail), relaxed in a duck blind, then headed back to Tundra II, but not before I had an encounter with a Red-naped Sapsucker -- 

And a flock of Dark-eyed Juncos -- 

It was a great way to spend 4 morning hours. I spent the rest of the day "admiring" Tundra II and trying to figure out its features without having a manual which is usually included in the glove compartment (I downloaded parts of the manual online), and also getting truck and trailer insurance through The Hartford/AARP. The skies were lightly overcast, so as I was hoping for a good sunset I drove south towards the Valley of Fire turnoff and parked, getting another "glamor shot" of Tundra II with the Virgin Mountains in the background -- 

I think Tundra II (or Dos, Zwei, The Sequel, etc) and I will get along quite nicely... :o) 

1 comment:

  1. one of those dark eye'd Junco's was from Alaska.. did you notice the fur parka it was wearing? that was the coat it was wearing when it left here :)
